JL MAG Rare-earth Industry Price Briefing 2340(Issue No.484)10-30~11-03
Week 45,2023
1. 重要新闻简报Briefing of Important News
本周稀土市场行情,镨钕、镝铁合金以及金属铽价格均出现出现小幅下跌,金属钕价格维持不变。亚洲金属网周末价格: 镨钕金属价格628-633元/KG;金属钕价格635-645元/KG;镝铁合金价格2560-2580元/KG;金属铽价格10100-10300元/KG。
This week, the prices of PrNd, DyFe and Tb fell slightly, while the price of Nd metal remained unchanged. Prices from Asian Metal at this weekend presented: PrNd metal 628-633 RMB/KG; Nd metal 635-645 RMB/KG; DyFe alloy 2560-2580 RMB/KG and Tb metal 10100-10300 RMB/KG.
2.业内重要新闻News of Rare-Earth Industry
This week, the overall focus of domestic rare earth prices has not changed significantly, and the actual transaction volume is small, mainly due to the fact that downstream users basically maintain rigid demand procurement, and in order to avoid the risk of revenue cost inversion, suppliers' willingness to reduce prices and ship is generally low. (China Tungsten Online)
稀土资源一直受国家重视,据央视网消息 (新闻联播)报道 : 国务院总理李大大11月3日主持召开国务院常务会议,研究推动稀土产业高质量发展有关工作,讨论《中华人民共和国国境卫生检疫法 (修订草案)》,审议通过《中华人民共和国专利法实施细则 (修正案) 》。会议指出,稀土是战略性矿产资源。要统筹稀土资源勘探、开发利用与规范管理,统筹产学研用等各方面力量,积极推动新一代绿色高效采选治技术研发应用,加大高端稀土新材料攻关和产业化进程,严厉打击非法开采、破坏生态等行为,着力推动稀土产业高端化、智能化、绿色化发展。(央视新闻)
Rare earth resources have always been valued by the state, according to CCTV news (news broadcast) reported: Premier Li Qiang of the State Council presided over an executive meeting of the State Council on November 3 to study and promote the high-quality development of the rare earth industry, discuss the "Border Health and Quarantine Law of the People's Republic of China (Revised Draft)", and review and approve the "Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Patent Law of the People's Republic of China (Amendment)". The meeting pointed out that rare earths are strategic mineral resources. It is necessary to coordinate the exploration, development and utilization of rare earth resources and standardize the management, coordinate the forces of production, education, research and application, actively promote the research and development and application of a new generation of green and efficient mining and treatment technology, increase the research and industrialization process of high-end rare earth new materials, severely crack down on illegal mining and ecological damage, and strive to promote the high-end, intelligent and green development of the rare earth industry. (CCTV News)
3. 趋势图(参考亚洲金属网)Tendency Chart (refer to Asian Metal)
Nov. 03rd, 2023
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